It’s The Home of Our Homes.

Apuroopa Kavikondala
3 min readApr 22, 2021

The world that is.

Photo by v2osk on Unsplash

Close your eyes. Take a deep breath. Relax your shoulders and hands. Release any tension. Smile a little. Now imagine this.

The bright white rays of the sunlight glimmer on your eyes, sparkling across the diamond-like water. They reflect across the leftover droplets from the morning drizzle on baby pink, blood red, and sunshine yellow flowers. The usually-covered-in-clouds sky was now the most stunning light blue ever seen. The grass, the normally weedy brown grass, was healthy and flourishing with its healthy green color. A small orange and black monarch butterfly flutters right past you, and you scream with glee, chasing right after it.

The cool breeze sweeps through the air, initiating goosebumps on your bare arms. You close your eyes, listening to the sound of the woosh brought by the scraping of the numerous trees. You see pinecones clattering against the ground, creating a gradient made of shades of brown. You take a deep breath, gathering in the aroma of your neighbor’s recently-watered yard with the gorgeous, newly sprouted tulips. Laying down on the grass, each stem prickles against your body, sending a relief of tension through your shoulders and hands.

Closing your eyes, breathing in deeply, relaxing completely, you smile genuinely. Your heart beats in your ears — you are happy. Nature is your therapy, your home. You long to be amongst nature permanently, to be in the middle of nowhere for the rest of your life. To take some time to enjoy yourself and the beautiful weather surrounding you.

Breathe, you tell yourself. Relax. Smile.

It’s Earth Day! Rather than wanting to write yet another educational piece about it, I decided it was time for a change.

No matter who tells you what, whenever you’re doing something good for the planet, don’t think about how expansive the act is. The very fact that you’re doing something is significant enough. It’s the little actions we all put forward that add up to something bigger.

As said by Mother Teresa,

We ourselves feel that what we do is just a drop in the ocean. But the ocean would be less because of that missing drop.

So, from this Earth Day onwards, try to make small lifestyle changes that will enable you to help our planet:

  1. Unplug and turn off things you’re not using, to conserve electricity.
  2. Bring reusable bags when going grocery shopping to reduce plastic waste.
  3. Don’t waste food, and set up a compost bin at home for food scraps (vegetable peels, etc.). This is important because food waste is the third biggest source of greenhouse gas emissions.
  4. Try to use public transport or carpool whenever possible to reduce greenhouse gas emissions from transportation.
  5. Avoid fast fashion (“the cheap mass production of trendy clothing”) to stop the chemical pollution that comes from making and disposing of these clothes.
  6. Avoid one-time-use items (plastic utensils, paper napkins, etc.) to reduce waste and protect the oceans.
  7. And probably the most important of all — raise awareness! Educate the people around you and ask them to do the same for their family and friends to start a chain reaction.

Whatever it is, make a commitment to do it and stick to it. The Earth is the home of our homes. Love it and take care of it as you would love and take care of that which you love most in this world.

Thanks for reading! Until next time, stay safe, happy, and healthy.

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